​Stainless Steel

​Valve support bracket

​Data sheet:

​​​material: AISI 316 / N10111 DD11
thickness: 3,00 mm


​in the simplicity of the element


​progressive die stamping, die cutting and folding

​The value of the idea:

​we succeeded in obtaining a customisable die for different lengths

​Diffuser funnel

​Data sheet:

​material: AISI 316L CRUDE DM 174/2004
thickness: 1/1,5 mm


​sealed mechanical locking, pipe flange; pipe close tolerance calibration for O-ring sealing


​manual dies for blanking and forming

​The value of the idea:

​the solution in the locking mechanics and the die shaping of the pipe

​Jet regulator

​Data sheet:

​material: AISI 301 2B
thickness: 0,25 mm


​running folds without cracking and tearing


​progressive die pitch stamping, die cutting and folding

​The value of the idea:

​maintaining tolerance in spite of the material having harmonic properties

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