
​Fluid conveyor

​Data sheet:

​​​material: EN10130 DC04
thickness: 0,6 mm


​hole inclined at 13,68° with a reached tolerance of +/- 0,3° - hole diameter 16

​Die 1:

​to obtain complete bush — progressive pitch mould, die cut deep-draws

​Die 2:

​inclined boring - manual die drilling

​The value of the idea:

​we were able to perform inclined drilling, notwithstanding a reduced space matrix, reaching tolerances lower than those required.

​Support bracket

​Data sheet:

​​​​​material: EN10139 DC04
thickness: 2,00 mm


​fold with precision matching


​progressive die stamping, reduced pitch die cutting and folding

​The value of the idea:

​we were able to perform the accurately matched folding in the presence of a deep fold.

​Installation key

​Data sheet:

​​material: EN10111 DD12 (8 um white zinc coating steel plate after stamping)
thickness: 2,00 mm


​the torx25 quality made from cold deformation


​two-cavity progressive die stamping

​The value of the idea:

​from a 2mm sheet we succeeded in obtaining the torx25 insert with a tolerance + 0 / - 0.1mm, 3mm thick.

​Three-way connecting element

​Data sheet:

​​material: EN10130 DC01 with narrow tolerance on the thickness
thickness: 2,00 mm


​in the tolerance of the two folds, with six threads performed by die


​progressive die stamping folding and threading die cut

​The value of the idea:

​we were able to maintain the bending tolerances despite the interference of the stiffening ribs, without calibration

​Water meter cover

​Data sheet:

​​​​​​material: EN10130 DC05
thickness: 2,5 mm


​cut-to-length die and drawing die (both by hand)

​Connecting element

​Data sheet:

​​​​material: EN10130 nickel finish 5 um/ brass CuZn37 (R350)
thickness: 1,00 mm


​in the simplicity of the element


​two-cavity progressive die stamping

​The value of the idea:

​maintaining the slots in a perfect axis

​Plate for rower pump

​Data sheet:

​material: EN10111 DD11
thickness: 3,5 mm


​calibration of central cylinder after braze welding


​progressive die stamping, cut-to-length and folding

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