​The production

​Research & Development in the automotive industry,
in the appliance, furniture, electronics and mechanical sectors,
has accelerated the pace of innovation in order to 
enhance and optimise production cycles.

Through its own research and development laboratory, 
MP observes, studies and applies acontinuous technological evolution for:

  • ​mould design and manufacturing services;
  • ​​different types of shearing, bending and drawing machining on ferrous and non-ferrous metals with particular competitiveness for aluminium;
  • ​​providing galvanizing, epoxy painting and electrophoresis, polishing, burring, tumbling, anodizing and screen printing treatments

​creating distinctive and recognisable products on the market.

MP ​aims to be a PRECISION TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNER capable of offering constant upgrading
in order to enable industries to seize new opportunities of achievement and success.

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