​Our history

​​MP srl was founded in 1988 by the Mio Family of Roveredo in Piano (PN), a family which has been present in the engineering business of Pordenone since 1977.

Since its founding it has consecrated itself to providing SMART TAILOR-MADE SOLUTIONS to its customers, applying methodologies studied for cold metal forming, through the use of machines and systems specifically designed in order to increase productivity and quality of the production processes in the automotive industry, appliance, furniture, electronics and mechanical sectors.

acquiring a significant presence mainly in Europe and standing out because of the ability to solve the most demanding requirements of the new markets with efficiency, speed and cost effectiveness.

Today, the trust of hundreds of customers worldwide, with MORE THAN 2000 MADE TO MEASURE COMPONENTS and hundreds of items still in production, a CONSUMPTION OF METALS OF NEARLY 1 MILLION KG/YEAR, ensures MP is a benchmark for all firms wishing to innovate their productive business and to feel technically supported. 

MP chooses its future by focusing its resources towards technological progress with determination and continuity, proving to be the ideal partner to generate precision products, ENSURING HIGH PERFORMANCE INDICATORS IN PRODUCTION TIMES AND METHODS.

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