
  • ​The company is an international market leader, oriented towards innovation and designing solutions with high added value.
  • It contributes to competitive progress in all areas in which it operates and is recognised as the ideal precision technological partner.
  • ​The Newsletter service arises from the need to involve its loyal customers and to reach out to new contacts interested in the proposed topics.
  • 2017: During the second half of the year the machine inventory was upgraded thanks to the purchasing of one mechanical press ZANI 160 ton and one mechanical press PRESSIX 200 ton, complete of a new generation roller feeder.
  • 2018: In July 2018 the technological resources was implemented with the purchising of one mechanical press 100 ton
  • 2019: A new IT platform has been introduced with the implementation of a computerized production department according to “industry 4.0” model since January 2019, trough the interconnection of the machinery in order to improve corporate performance and enhancing the quality of process that involves all company areas.
  • 2020: in September was implemented the presses in the company with a new MECHANICAL DOUBLE SIDED UPRIGHTS PRESSES AND 2 CONNECTING RODS (315 ton).
    This kind of press will allow an implementation of the service offered to our customer both for the tonnage of it and also for the dimensions of the workbench that afford the stamping of new geometric shapes that before we could not provide.
  • 2023: Photovoltaic system installation  see attachment​
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