
​The customer is always at the heart of our concerns.
MP offers a continuous efficient service, ready to respond to every need, enabling the Customer to feel reassured and protected for all his needs.
MP offers specialised human resources, whose potential is constantly trained and valued.
The service becomes one of the strengths of the company, created with an efficient scheduling system, studied and perfected over the years and able to respond to customer requests with punctuality and precision.



​​On receipt of a quotation request, MP develops internally a design complete in all its technical details for an effective industrialisation.
MP stands out in the design phase because of its solution skills which allow obtaining the product from a fully automatic cycle with the objective of saving time and reducing the amount of material used.


​MP is also a partner in the design phase by providing its expertise in the development of the project in order to share the precious know-how and technology meeting-point.

​​Estimate calculation

​MP attaches the development of the project to its estimate and stands out for its precision in developing the implementation proposal with a clear vision of the project; juxtaposing critical issues with proposals for alternative solutions aimed at optimising the various cycles.


​On specific request, MP agrees to the realisation of the prototype before starting the final design.


​Delivery schedule

MP is committed to complying with the pre-established times agreed upon.


​MP is committed to assisting in applying its element combined with any other elements of the finished product from different origin, with direct interventions.

MP’s intervention envisages assistance within 48h from request, defining actions and times required for the solution.

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